Connected Beacons and LED Embedded Signs play pivotal roles across various applications, serving as indispensable tools for enhancing both vehicle and pedestrian safety on roads and highways. These advanced traffic safety devices are equipped with wireless technology such as cellular or Wi-Fi connectivity, enabling users to manage and control these devices remotely or from centralized locations.
JSF Technologies line of Connected Beacons & LED Embedded Signs (CB Series) offer options for both cellular and Wi-Fi connectivity.
Cellular Connected Systems
Are integrated into Applied Information’s Glance® Smart City Supervisory System which allows cities to manage all their traffic and ITS assets under one, easy-to-use web-based application. This cloud-based, smart city platform offers enormous advantages of proactive hazard identification and risk mitigation through vigilant monitoring of infrastructure components, ultimately leading to enhanced safety outcomes and accident prevention. These systems enable authorities to swiftly detect and address potential issues, minimizing the likelihood of accidents and optimizing overall traffic management efficiency.
General Applications for Glance® Smart City Supervisory System Include:
School Zone Beacons & LED Signs
Crosswalk & Illumination Systems
Connected Traffic Cabinet Systems
Priority & Preemption Systems
Connected Vehicle Solutions (C-V2X)
Connected Public Transportation Solutions
WI-FI Connected Systems
JSF Technologies Wi-Fi based Asset Control & Monitoring System (ACMS) offers offline scheduling via direct Wi-Fi connectivity for localized scheduling and system operations. The ACMS module offers users the ability to program Beacons and LED Signs with operating schedules to increase visibility and notification of regulatory and warning signage during times in which speed reduction may be varied or when heightened awareness for roadway users may be required.
General Applications for JSF Technologies Wi-Fi based ACMS Include:
School Zone Beacons & LED Signs
Crosswalk & Illumination Systems
Warning Beacons & Stop Sign Solutions
Advance Warning & Notification Systems

Add NEW A.I. Smart City Solutions to your beacons
Easily view and control school beacon flashers
Advanced scheduling, scenarios, and override
A.I. system monitors your beacon flashers and alerts you with a text or email to any problems with power and other components, saving you time and money to check them manually.
All AB Series solutions are equipped with JSF Technologies WP6 Wireless Signal & Lighting Controller
On-Board User Interface (OBUI): Equipped with a user-friendly menu and four intuitive action buttons for effortless operation.
USB-C Connectivity: Seamlessly connect to the JSFT Configuration App for streamlined system configuration and management.
In-Field Firmware Updates: Stayup-to-date with the latest enhancements through convenient firmware updates via the USB-C connection.
Extended Wireless Range: Experience unparalleled wireless communication reliability with a range of over 2,000 meters.
System-to-System Flash Synchronization: Achieve synchronized flash patterns across multiple systems for enhanced visibility and safety.
Versatile Radio Configuration: Choose from 64 radio channel selections with the flexibility to configure up to 1664 independent Radio Networks to suit diverse operational needs.
Customizable Flash Settings: Tailor flash duration settings from 1 second to 99 days, providing precise control of signal and illumination patterns.
Daytime & Nighttime Intensity Adjustment: Adjust intensity levels from 10% to 100% for optimal visibility under varying lighting conditions.